Pre-summit Webinars
Webinar 1
EFT & Anger/aggression
By Sue Johnson & Jef Slootmaeckers
September 12th from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm (CEST)
In these two hours, Dr. Sue Johnson And Jef Slootmaeckers team up to watch, review, and discuss a clinical session that focuses on Anger and Aggression. You will see EFIT in action, get insights into the therapeutic choices made by EFT trainer Jef Slootmaeckers, and hear process comments of the founder of EFT dr. Sue Johnson.
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Webinar 2
Hope and Secondary Emotions
By George Faller and Giulia Altera
October 10th from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm (CEST)
Honor the function of secondary emotions it’s not always easy, especially when we are used to experience them as blocks towards connections between the partners and in the therapeutic process.
Working with this kind of energy, or this lack of energy can be very challenging for a therapist, and most of the time we just would love to skip them and go straight to vulnerable emotions. But hidden in them there is something very special, do you know that? George Faller and Giulia Altera will walk you through exploration of working with secondary emotions. You will discover their functions, how to tune in, organize them, use them for change in search of hope through dialogues and clinical clips.
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Webinar 3:
Working with grief and shame
By Karin Wagenaar and Rebecca Jorgensen
October 24th from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm (CEST)
EFT-trainers Karin Wagenaar and Rebecca Jorgensen will show and discuss a live session where grief and shame will be the main topic. In this powerful EFT session, you will see Karin’s work with an older couple that lost their children and grandchild in the attack on the MH17 airplane. Both trainers will reflect on the attachment affect, EFT interventions, key decision points and the influence of polyvagal theory on the movement across the session. Don’t miss out this enriching conversation with these two seasoned and warm EFT-trainers.
Registration is no longer possible.
Webinar 4
EFT and clients who are one or more of LGBTQ+
By Sandra Taylor and Robert Allan
November 14th from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm (CET)
Honor the function of secondary emotions it’s not always easy, especially when we are used to experience them as blocks towards connections between the partners and in the therapeutic process.
While our ethical codes require us to be respectful and aware of diversity issues in working with our clients many EFT therapists have little experience, knowledge and/or skills in working with LGBTQ+ clients and colleagues. Whether you are new or experienced with these populations, please join us. Your workshop leaders are Sandra Taylor and Robert Allan. We are EFT trainers who identify as LGBTQ+ and are running LGBTQ+ Centred Externships, Core Skills, and continuing professional development courses.
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Webinar 5
Using attachment longings to access primary emotion in Stage 1
By Marlene Best and Kyriaki Polychroni
December 5th from 7.00 pm to 10.00 pm (CET)
Attachment longings are what bring couples into therapy and their unmet needs are what drive the negative cycle. The ability to leverage these longings and use them effectively in both Stage 1 and Stage 2 are powerful skills for EFT therapists to master.
In this webinar, EFT-trainers Kyriaki Polychroni and Marlene Best will show and unpack a very moving live session with a Serbian couple (in English) where – early in the therapeutic process – the couple’s poignant memories of what first brought them together are used to access the withdrawer’s primary emotions underlying his anger and elicit a softer response from his partner.
An interactive discussion and sharing of experiences with participants will be an integral part of the Webinar’s process.
Registration is no longer possible.
Webinar 6
Therapist Presence and the Power of the Present Moment
By Jim Furrow and Simona Herb
December 11th from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm (CET)
EFT change events are guided by a therapist’s ability to transform experience through working with emotion in the present moment. More than skills and technique the therapist’s presence is a pivotal resource in moving clients toward deeper and more productive experience. A therapist’s responsiveness and self-awareness are critical resources for increasing a therapist’s presence in the here-and-now experience of core emotion. Simona Herb and Jim Furrow will guide you through interactive exercises and clinical examples that strengthen your EFT presence and its power to impact the present moment when it matters most.
Registration is no longer possible.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the 2024 EFT World Summit please get in touch with us.
+31 85 902 28 36
Stadsplateau 7-8.22
3521 AZ Utrecht
The Netherlands
The 2024 EFT World Summit is organized in cooperation with:
Dutch EFT Foundation
International Centre for Excellence in
Emotionally Focused Therapy
Click here to read the ‘Registration and Cancellation procedure’.